Monday, February 13, 2012

Reasons to Love my Husband

Okay, so I was told that I should never, ever say anything bad about Steve.  Ever.  And since I really, really want to, but I can't, I'm going to list his good qualities  Maybe that will help.
1)He brought in firewood
2)He chopped kindling for me
3)He loves me
4)He makes me laugh every day
5)He lets me have...wait...let me count...14 pets
6)He goes to work every day so I don't have to
7)He fixed my washing machine
8)He gave me Fay
10)He bought me a castle calendar
11)He ordered me See's candy for Valentine's Day
12)He married me, even knowing I'm broken
13)He's very good to help with the baby
14)He goes to church with me
15)He reads the scriptures with me
16)He honors his priesthood
17)He takes my criticism well
18)He lets me go to the store in my pajamas
19)He doesn't care if I don't shower every day
20)He gets rid of bugs
21)He said the gravy I made was good when it was just so-so
22)He gets the mail every day
23)He wants me to be happy
Now the baby's fussy, so I have to stop.  Let's see if this helps any.

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