Sunday, June 10, 2012

El Jelly Science

So there's this really great Mexican place my parents found, called The Taco Shop (or El Jeliscience).  On the way home, I decided to get a bean and cheese burrito and eat it later.  Bad idea.  Very bad idea.
Did you know that a cold bean and cheese burrito tastes exactly like Play Dough?
Well, now you do.
And, trust me, I ate enough of the stuff as a kid to know.

1st Birthday

We took Fay to the zoo for her first birthday.  She paid a lot more attention to the animals than she did when we went to the zoo after finalization.  She fell and scratched her knee, but didn't say a word about it.  If anything, she's happy because now she has a scab to pick.
Her birth mother called, and it was really nice to talk to her.  She's getting married soon.  A day or two ago, our caseworker called to tell us that the birth mother has gone AWOL.  I wasn't worried until I had a nightmare last night that she came for Fay and I woke up in a panicked prayer.
I hope she just eloped and that everything's fine.