Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Slide

My parents bought a combination slide/swing for Fay for her first birthday, and she loves it.  I didn't realize just how much until I moved it to vacuum today and she totally started crying because she couldn't see it anymore.  She hurried into the pet room and climbed up it, totally like, "Excuse me, this is mine, and I didn't say you could touch it."  She wouldn't leave it for, like, 15 minutes, either.
Apparently my parents buy good presents.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


So, I can't work on the third book of the Destine series because I have to get the second book finalized first, and I started a new book today.  I was writing about how a guy fell through the ice at Cave Lake and is suffering from, you guessed it, hypothermia, and I got so cold I had to go take a melt-the-flesh-off-your-bones-it's-so-hot shower.  Keep in mind, it's May.  And 80 degrees.  And I have no air conditioning.  Now I have the munchies, too, because all that's in the fictional house is a head of wilted lettuce and half a cup of expired milk.
Yes, I'll gladly accept the Queen of the Dorks crown.
Thank you for thinking of me.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I took Fay swimming for the first time yesterday, and she actually liked it.  I thought she'd freak out and not want me to put her in the water, let alone in the little baby inner tube thing I had, but she totally dug it.  Of course, she tried to drink the water, but that's only to be expected.  We were there for over an hour, and she loved it the entire time.  She even started to kick. 
Thanks, Evelyn and Emily!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Wonders of the Internet

You know, I often think about, not too long ago, how hard it was find out information about anything.  I'd always wonder, "How does that work?" or "Why is the sky blue?" but it wasn't worth the effort of going to the library and trying to find a book that could tell me.  Now, any question you have about anything, all you have to do is type it into Google and, the next thing you know, you have hundreds of thousands of answers, videos, and pictures.
Like, for example, how to get super glue off your skin.
No, I've never used it before.
No, Steve probably won't let me use it again.

Monday, May 14, 2012

1st Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day wasn't what I expected.  To be fair, Steve's on graves, so he was asleep all day, and church was wicked hot, but I still thought I'd get breakfast in bed or something.  Eric and Evelyn bought me a beautiful flower arrangement, which was nice.  Maybe motherhood is just so good that everything else pales in comparison.  It's highly possible.

Friday, May 11, 2012

One is the Loneliest Number

In all of my awesomeness, I have one friend.  Count them, one.  This friend, who shall remain nameless, hasn't called me in about six years.  Okay, so it's more like six days, but, still.  She did leave a message on my machine, but when I called back she didn't answer.
Just saying.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I'm the Winner!

Fay said, "Da-da" first, but I got the first, "I love you."
How do you like those apples?