Wednesday, March 13, 2013

1,005 Page Views

Holy freaking crapito!

How in the world did this stupid blog break 1,000 page views?????

I swear, only about 500 of those are my own...

So now, some completely random crap..........ito....

I dreamt last night that Miley Cyrus was the new spokesperson for Sea World, and she did it while wearing stuff that would make a Victoria's Secret Model blush.

Kellin was at Sea World and almost gotten eaten by Shamu, but I saved him and took him to Nicklecade, instead.

I have a recurring nightmare that I'm running away from a bad guy, and I get in the car, but I can't close the door because my foot won't move out of the way.

My daughter is a big sister to a baby we've never seen.

I always like the depressed/ornery people in a show (think Squidward, Eeyore, etc.).

I've been sneezed on by an elephant.

I'm deathly afraid of worms.

I'm wearing mismatched socks.

I wear pajamas in public at least once a week.

It's really hard to find corned beef that doesn't taste like dog food.

I feel it's a complete travesty that my husband traveled all the way to Iraq, spent a year-and-a-half there, and never once rode a camel.

Steve built a little latched door over the keyboard slide-out tray on our computer desk so we can lock Fay out of it (I don't have the ability to fix anything on a computer, unless rebooting will help).

Edward, the Biology lab instructor, quit.  I am no longer Bella.


Only 19 page views were my own. :0

Here's a break down of where people live that have viewed my blog:
United States
United Kingdom
South Korea

The only countries that I could find on a map are the US, Russia, Australia, Canada, and maybe the UK.

I'm afraid.

BIO 190

I'm taking my first college Biology course, and I can't believe how stressed over it I am!  I've never been one to worry about tests, but I can't sleep the night before an exam with this class.  Right now, I'm waiting to go to class to take my next exam, and I'm actually nauseous.

Granted, the first quiz I took for this course I completely bombed (somewhere around 60% correct), but ever since then I've done increasingly better.  Still, I keep thinking I'm going to fail miserably.  I guess that's the doormat in me.  Especially since, even if I did fail, it wouldn't be that big of a deal--I'd just take the course again.

I seriously didn't want to fail Statistics, because I hated every second of it, but I'm quite enjoying this class.  I stayed as far away from Science courses in high school as I could (terrified of being told to dissect something), but the deeper I get into Biology, the more interesting I find it.  I'm no longer terrified that I'm a Science major.

What I'm feeling, right this moment, is akin to stage fright--I know everything's going to be fine, but I'm so freaking tense I can hardly function.  Once the test starts, I'll be fine (even if I don't know the answers), so it's stupid that I feel this way.