Monday, April 29, 2013

Epic Discovery

I remember when, in 2nd or 3rd grade, someone came to our class.  I don't remember who they were, or what they were trying to accomplish, but they brought astronaut ice cream.

And I was hooked.

Now, whenever Steve's being all sensitive and crap, he buys me overpriced, freeze-dried ice cream from the camping section so I can relieve my childhood days.  Honestly, the stuff's not that great, but it's ASTRONAUT ICE CREAM which automatically makes it fantastic.

Anyhoo, while eating my Lucky Charms last night (because cereal always tastes better at night), I made an epic discovery--the marshmallows must be astronaut marshmallows!  Why else would they have the same texture as astronaut ice cream?  Why else would they not swell until they explode into a gooey, unappetizing mess after sitting in your sugar laden milk for extended periods of time?  Not that my marshmallows ever last that long.

I don't care what reality is.  I don't care if they're just really dry, old, cardboard like marshmallows.  From now on, they shall be known as astronaut marshmallows.  And all will weep at their glory.

Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. :) you crack me up!! NEVER had ASTRONAUT ICE CREAM before.. enjoy the comparison made with the marshmallows though.. heheheh there's been a few times that I would rather let them sit in the "sugar laden milk" for some time so that they will soften up a little bit.. there has also been days that i don't mind the hard dry cardboard flavor of them either!! ;D thanks for the entertainment!! :)
