So our Wii has suddenly decided it's no longer connected to the Internet. We've fought with it all day. I got it going earlier this morning, but now it's gone kerplooey again. We called NetFlix, and they told us to call Nintendo. We did all of the 6 billion steps on Nintendo's website, and it kept reassuring us that if none of them worked we'd be given a number to contact Nintendo.
Guess what?
The link to get the phone number to contact Nintendo doesn't work.
The baby's asleep, we want to watch Warehouse 13, and instead we're stuck trying to figure out how to make the stinking thing realize that it IS connected to the Internet. Just like it was last night. And this morning.
On a side note, Nintendo's website is increasingly aggravating, and you can't contact them at all, but Netflix gave me their phone number (ha, ha), so I'm giving it to EVERYONE.
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