So, last Sunday Grandma was feeding the baby a popsicle (her teeth were hurting, okay?) and the baby got tired of it, so I told her that Jake likes popsicles. She had it wrapped in a paper towel so it wouldn't make her all sticky, and she was having a hard time holding on. She asked if he'd eat the popsicle stick. I said no.
Big mistake.
Did you know it's possible for a yellow lab to swallow a popsicle stick whole without coughing or gagging once? Well, it is.
I called the emergency vet (yes, it's shameful to say your mentally deficient dog swallowed the popsicle stick) and he said we could induce vomiting, at which point he had a 50/50 chance of choking to death, or we could hope it would pass on it's own (50/50 chance of having to do surgery to remove the dang thing).
We've left well enough alone, and he's acting fine. It's been 8 days.
How long does it take a popsicle stick to kill someone?
Still no progress, and we're coming up on two weeks. I think he'll be fine, just until I quit worrying about it, then he'll keel over.