Monday, November 30, 2015

Slacker Sack Review

I finally got my 8-foot Slacker Sack today (long story, let's just say order from the manufacturer and not Amazon).  Here's an annoyingly detailed review (mainly because I couldn't find any detailed reviews out there).  All in all, it was TOTALLY worth the price.  We are on it constantly.  CONSTANTLY. In fact, we have no intention of taking our couch with if we ever move, and we probably won't buy another one.

I found this kid wandering around on the street, so
stuck her in the pictures for scale...just kidding

UPS said it weighed 69 pounds

Inside the box

I had to totally roll the box over and dump out this...sausage
After taking off the tape and first layer of plastic it looked like a wonderful brain candy
This is when the toddler started screaming, "It looks like a brain!
Like in my head!"

Picture inside the bag once I got some of the foam broken up
It was super easy, and pretty cool, to separate the
cover from the compressed "brain" foam

Yes, unzipping the liner to show you the foam made a huge,
static-y mess.

With the cover
It only took about 15 minutes to break up 1/2-2/3
of the foam.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Highlights of the Week

A New Title

I take my daughter to story hour at my local library every week.  Most weeks, I end up showing up in pajamas.  What can I say?  I hate mornings.  Most of the others moms are dressed to the nines with fancy clothes, makeup, and big hair.  Me?  I look like death warmed over.  But I don't really care.  I go for story hour, not fashion hour.

The librarian told me I am officially the most casual mom she knows.


My husband says that's not a compliment.  I say, I don't care.

My Vocal Talents

I was being super lame and singing Phantom of the Opera yesterday.  My three-year-old kept covering her ears.  I asked what was wrong.  She told me to stop singing because it makes her throw up.

The Dangers of McDonald's

My daughter announced she was going to sing a church song.  It consisted of the words, "McDonald's makes me dead, Jesus makes me alive."

Just so you know, McDonald's is her favorite place ever.  I am not one of those mothers that tells her fast food will kill her.

Socks Do Not Make Your Hair Curl

I'm always trying to find ways to make my hair take (and keep) a curl.  So when I watched this video, I thought, "Why not?"

5 Minute No-Heat Curls!

Yeah.  Not only did I not sleep last night (super uncomfortable having bulky socks tied all over your head), not only did I wake up in extreme amounts of pain (having bulky socks tied to your head hurts your neck and shoulders), not only did I have to wait until noon for my hair to dry (even though it was barely damp when I went to bed), no curls.  Snarly, awkward random kinks, yes.  Curls?  No.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fresh Young Gagonut

Sometimes, Bountiful Baskets gives us some strange things.

Sometimes, those things are surprisingly good (persimmons, Brussels sprouts).

Sometimes the things are completely disgusting.

We got a fresh young coconut this week.  I've tried it before and remember how nasty it is, but my husband didn't believe me.  He hacked the thing open and it was pinkish.  Didn't deter him.  He drained it and got the "jelly" (he described it as snot) out and blended them.  It looked like pink vomit.  It tasted like butt.  He added Otter Pops.  It looked even more like vomit.  The taste made him swear and literally vomit into the sink.

Moral of the story?

Stay away from fresh young coconut.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Things I'm Going to Forget

  1. When my daughter was just learning to talk, she'd always demand to watch "Happy."  It took me forever to figure out that she meant Barney the Dinosaur.  She called him Happy for ages.
  2. One day, my daughter's friend got to ride on a booster seat rather than a standard car seat.  I knew it would upset my little angel, so I told her that I would call her "Madam" and she would be important and junk.  She asked who I was if she was Madam.  I told her I was "Butler."  Clear as can be, she responded, "You're butt crack?"
  3. To this day, she calls potatoes igoes (eye-goes).  Don't know where she got that from, but, even at 3-and-a-half, if she accidentally says "potatoes" she'll correct herself with "igoes."
  4. Currently, her favorite song is "Where is Thumbkin?"  She will do all the different characters (ring-man, tall-man, etc.), but only her thumb or her pointer gets moved.  She always responds to "How are you today, sir?" with "Thank you for the well day."
  5. When singing "I am a Child of God," she always says, "Lead me, guide me, walk in my shoes."
  6. When she first started feeding herself, the second she was full she would throw all of her food on the floor.  I never managed to get there fast enough to save anything.
  7. Hamburgers are actually hand-ga-burgers.  And, no, she won't eat them.
  8. For a long time, her future career choice was one of Santa's elves. 
  9. She got her first love note in kindergarten.

Must See on Netflix

When you're feeling sappy...
  • Snow
  • Scents and Sensibility
For the whole family
  • The Lost Medallion
  • The Lost and Found Family
When you're feeling regal...
  • Wives & Daughters
When you're feeling 14-years-old...
  • Crash & Bernstein
  • Mako Mermaids
  • H2O
  • Wolfblood
When your husband's whining about all the girly shows...
  • Outcasts
  • Survivors
  • Primeval
You're welcome

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Celebrity Crushes

So, I'm totally lame, and even though I'm old and way, WAY married, I still have celebrity crushes.  For a long time, this is the character I would have run away with...

Today's character is...

Now, let me be absolutely clear.  It's the CHARACTERS here that I'm pseudo-in-love with, not the people.  Not even their physical appearances.  And if you don't understand, go watch Once Upon a Time.  You hermit.

Looks wise, this is my new dream boat...

Totally Evan-licious.

And if you don't get that, go read my books.

And, yes, dude is WAY too young for me...but not too young to be Evan...

It's not my fault I'm ancient.

And, again, I'm WAY married.  This is just an effort to cement my lame-status for all eternity.