There's been this commercial on TV a lot lately from Home Depot advertising that you can paint your front door for under $50, so I've been begging Steve to let me do it. He finally agreed that I could. I was going to use leftover paint from our house, but I realized I should probably use exterior paint on the door.
That's where everything went downhill.
For Steve.
I must have hit him at a good time because, as you're reading this, my front door is bright orange. And I mean traffic cone orange, people.
It gives me joy.
It occurred to me, later, that it could also stand as a symbol for all of the things that Steve loves me more than. Such as...
1-Steve loves me more than he loves his own choice of color (he's Mr. Beige).
2-Steve loves me more than he does his own pride
3-Steve loves me more than he cares about what his friends think
4-Steve loves me more than what any random person that drives past our house thinks
That's an awful lot of love, people.
If I ever find my camera, you'll see just how much love.
'Cuz you'll see the door.
Get your mind out of the gutter